Ouf, a little rest from great big news. BJG is having his daily trip for a milkshake every noon hour, every day. Sometimes I go with him, often at times I stay home. Timing is of the essence and so now we live like two companions who know they both know respectively what they are doing. Love stories: even The Creator finds my love stories pretty uninspired for happy love couples success story. Dont worry, the angels who work with Him or Her will create a superb nice lesbian passion with someone I do not know yet. One thing I know: i will never remarry unless I am a gay man!

It is nice to hear of successful happy love stories that last forever. The truth is, soul mate is just one story, the gift of the God for us all on earth. I have explored the many angles of this very myth which inspired everyone out west to find God's truth and Love. But truly, there is only God, and what we get , we adore. This story I see meaning in is so abundant in peace and excitment and discoveries, that the soul mate story does not really fill me with anything more than How a great myth it is!