What do I feel the biggest regrets from this life is? That it was so VERY drenched in hatred. It is one thing to be hated by EVERYONE (yup, that sucks), but TO HATE is even worst. Because when you hate, you react ALWAYS adversly to everything. This is not about others telling you how gross, stupid, etc you are and basically hating on you ALL ALONG. It is about when you internalize this general hatred from everyone about you to HOW YOU YOURSELF LOOK AT EVERYONE and everything. Unfortunately, hatred is blind (love is not). So when you start hating everything and everyone, perhaps because everyone hates you, I will leave that to the gods to ponder, you basically dim to total dark any light that may have reached you otherwise in your messy living on earth. When you hate, you INEVITABLY end up hating the good, because the good is everywhere actually, even if some may think 'it is never enough'.