Migwech, Raven.

You and your child are two beautiful grizzlis in the next life. Reborn in BC yes. Way high up in the mountains near Kitimat. 

Lynn is an eagle and let's say Tony is as well. True love story these two. Lynn will write about it. I guess your next human lives will all be in Europe. (America is death for humans as you may have noticed).

Meet us in Switzerland. I will have been a crow in Tibet (always always LOVED the crows out West, so much), will be attacked by a Raven (old M'kwaa) and will have prayed prayed prayed as a tame crow by a saint.

*M'kwaa was an old indian woman. Sometimes, suffering at the claws and beak of those who you have loved is just God's way to bring balance and the story to consciousness EACH TIME. M'kwaa the Raven has some anger issues like I had in this lifetime but we will become friends from afar after the attack. I will always be there for Her. She was a holy dog. She is a holy Raven. She will be a Holy human.

Some facts about the Raven's life

Some facts about the crow life

Some facts about trisomy for Mkwaa the human

Some facts about Holiness and each rebirth