So there are talks that I was once a super nice lady....but laughed at a handicapped boy. WE all know super nice lady never does that! Our beings are a bit more complicated than just one heart in some sense....We are made of a bunch of hearts truly, that must learn to work together. It is not clear how long the same mix of hearts is found in one person as they go through life....and lives. The nice lady who never ever laughed at a handicapped boy was still truly interested in tibetan budhism. The bad heart of another lady did actually laugh at a handicapped boy. For this reason, the burden of that heart is mine. 

The goal is to travel so I can study how to pray for that bad heart to stop being so annoyingly a kill joy whenever she has any luck at all. The crow life is a tough tough one. But much praying will help this bad heart soften a bit for my next rebirth.