All right, I am lazy It is a fact. I would rather stay with my coolish bare feet touching the cool sheets and feeling the sunshine in my shaded room on an afternoon, in bed for a nap, then pray. It is just a fact. Lazy lazy soul in there is really being put to practice nowadays What must one do to combat laziness? Again, pray for the energy to get the meditation through as long as God or buddha Shakyamuni sees fit that time, and that for each time. God really gives us a rest, us lazy soul at times after we put in the time requested and required of us. One thing i KNOW for sure: no one can do anything prostration wise when in despair! Despair EATS YOU UP INSIDE and leaves you emotionally drained  like an empty bag of potatoes, left in a barn for every mice to gnaw on...This is when reading Buddha's Lions comes in- to spur the imagination into another possibility of a world. The one for a magical animal kingdom and human world. The one where we follow Buddhahood each time we are reincarnated. Sports is good in despair - why is it impossible to do prostrations though? The heart is too drained to believe anymore, to find the energy to bend down over and over again when the body cannot follow. This was just a thought anyway. Despair and prostrations practice: they may help others though, in times of despair, these prostrations. 

P.S. Yes, I did not understand very well the point of the prostrations. But I truly gave it EVERYTHING and EVERYTHING for that week. It was my personnally held belief that I would never do any ritual unless I had some sort of inclination to, some sort of guidance inner guidance to do them. I was never taught prostrations at the temple. But I observed what others did. And tried to behave genuinely with Guru Rinpoche.