Repenting truly has its place in a period or a few for each of our lives. When I notice how changed my outlook , my gaze and even of course my heart are today, I am at last so sorry I missed out on any kindness for 25 years - not just to me, but from me. I was  lost within and with hatred, raised in it, saturated with it.Dumb as a post. Everything has been said about it before, so i will not pile up the layers of inaptitude I was born in and later broken even further into.  Suffice to say that actually learning with your souls about kindness is the only way to learn at all. Do not ever take the world's kindness for granted: as humans, it depends on too many things- stress levels, mental health, community support, happy or not love life, happy or not family relations spiritual humans, it depends on actually LEARNING it and practicing it truly. 

The first 25 years of my life were total garbage, wasted in a pool of hatred every which way. You may have guessed it, Josephine, I was damned for 25 years of my 46 years life. By damned I mean: DAMNED! No hope as soon as I met them as a young toddler. Utter madness and utter nonsense from day one. And to have wasted away in this nonsense for so long, rotting in my heart at such a young age...but yea people, damnation DOES exist. For some people it is 2 years of their lives, for some 25, for some, they never ever see the light of day except when they die, and only to be sent back down right away....This is very serious contemplation of how bad it can get for us when we disobey the rules of kindness: we go to hell for a while. 

Nonsense taught without hope is utter despair, utter despair is the total lack oustide and from within, of kindness and gentleness. I know some poets reading this, some other people who can relate to my life as a poor miserable soul for 25 years of excrucitaing despair, will understand what I mean about repenting. Repent comes so much easier when you LEARN something worthwhile - when you are at last TAUGHT the proper way to counteract your main burden- for me, kindness was at last taught. How much quicker the repent then, when looking back at one's own miserable life far from anything inspiring of gentleness and kindness for 25 years. Then being so damn stupid for 10 more years after that. Oh it takes a lot TO LEARN!