These are not my photographes, they are my hubby-roomate, BJG. Please enjoy: he is very talented. This is a local Douglas squirrel. 

From the BC SPCA website we get this following info about the two red and douglas squirrels.

''They both live in coniferous forests, not cities. The Douglas squirrel is found only on B.C.’s southern coast, while the red squirrel is found almost everywhere in B.C. with the exception of the southern coast.'''




There is nothing that comes close to the forest comparatively speaking in the city. In it, one looses each worry as they inhale the fresh crisp tree air. The moss (it is the rainforest scene out on the coast), the rain and the constant chirping of birds at times (although something like 100 millions to 1 + billion  birds have died each year in North America and maybe elsewhere too): all this is where the heart thrives.
