Since the GoFundme campaign to fundraise enough for the printing of two chapbooks, The Gigantic bowl and Le fleuve sans bouche: poésie de longue haleine, more books (three more) have been printed thanks to finding a cheaper printing press shop. They are
Poem to a New Zealander and other stories for cronies (3rd edition)
-Three short stories of quirky and surreal feeling plus artwork reproductions
The Thorn bush (3rd edition)
-4 pages fable about a bush plus artwork reproductions
Planet Yland (1st edition)
-25 pages short story of science fiction/fantasy
The Gigantic bowl (1st edition)
-11 pages short children literature story of science fiction
Le fleuve sans bouche: poésie de longue haleine (2nd edition)
-Poetry book in French only for my dad
Five titles are available. When are you getting your hands on one or more of these small gems of love and hard labour, eh?