He was just here 45 minutes ago.
But now he is not coming back when called. I have put on prayers from the nuns in India to help him get home safely. I am worried.
Laurel is inside.
9H15am. Still no Hardy. It is very odd. He got caught in our shed the other day. I hope he did not do that somewhere else...Om shanti om. Om ah hung benzra guru padme siddhi hung.
I just walked the whole street and no sign of Hardy. I have a bad feeling about this this morning....He always comes when called. He must be trapped. May Hardy come home soon safe and unharmed dear Buddha. Where could he have gone? He was here just an hour ago. He would not have gone that far.
Oh he just came back as I was going to call him again. Hallelujah! Thank you Guru rinpoche and Buddha and Deva premal's mantras for precarious times.