I am waiting on the load of dry clean towels to be ready.
Whiskey's skin is so dirty. I must not be washing him well enough.
I brush him too when wet after a towel dry.
The smoking outside only is going well and productively.
I smoke way way less too. Half the amount. Can you imagine the amount of smoke everyone has been inhaling in this house for 10 years? It never bothered any pets up to now.
Billy is so itchy. I have not given him a benadryl today. Hopefully the soothing shampoo will be good enough when he comes back from his third walk.
The towels are drying after a clean.
We have spaghettini carbonara for tonight, like last night.
I made breakkie this morning for both of us. Cats and dogs had bacon too.
Another vet called and said we may need two or three treatments to completely get rid of the bugs. So to reapply revolution treatment at the end of the month.
And continue bathing the dogs often. And brushing them. This is going to cost a fortune: 200$ monthly to treat bugs on all 4 pets. The dogs are less itchy then they were though by far. So the treatment is somewhat working and the shampoos too.