Yes, can you imagine being a balck whore i a world of white men? This is his future life for a year or two. After that, by some miracle of allah, he is saved and bears three beautiful children he will raise as a single mom. By that time, he will never be the whiny man we know now. But wait for it, allah is really testing him to the max: the blakc lady looses her son when he turns 17. Can you imagine the woe? The shock is so great that Brian, now a blakc lady no longer a whore, runs to the nunnery to become a nun for 30 years since the wolrd makes no fukcing sense anyway. Why such a hard life for me man, who truly has a kind kind heart and wonderful disposition? so he can experience visions and peace of mind all along as a nun. Being a nun will be like finding his truth and home. He will be buddhist.