All animals are in the house right now. yay!
Hubby went to work a bit and do errands.
One cat is eating dog food right now, I can hear him....sigh.
I don't want to go take the food bowl away. I am sitting in the living room.
I saw the sick indian lady with mentl illness and muteness hardcore. To be honest, I think it is her psych meds that fuck her up physically so much. She has a home and is tolerated in the pot shop and the nice cafe for yuppies on austin where we go for coffee. Some beings are truly punished in their rebirth as hobbos, lonely, poor or sick kamma all their lives. It is awful and we must have compassion for them. As fellows brothers and sisters of all the unlucky buggers out there, we MUST be kind to punished people. They are already punished, it is our job to help them a bit feel good. Know that for sure we can all be punished here and there. Show kindness to lost souls. And to those who suffer way more than you in your current life. I know no yuppy who is close to hobbos. Why? Unless they personally know people with drug addictions, homelessness issues, welfare payments only etc, they will NEVER even know what to say to hobbos and unlucky souls. It takes knowledge and experience in good compassion already to be able to even notice the poor enough in your heart to reach out to them each time you see them around you. Human is often blind to others sufferings, as caught up in our own sense of self and ego as we all are , unless we have suffered poverty ourselves. Or been educatedto help the less lucky than us.