I dont see the impermanence these days. I live in the present and all is wonderful, that is why: it may blind me a bit to the impermamence of it all. A friend died way back in february at 46. His wife is deep in her new life and understands impermamnece very well I suspect. I will probably undertsand it better when I get sick from cigarettes and must change my lifetsyle. Right now, I dont really see it. 

May Buddha enlighten me about samsaric world because apart from hatred and sins, I dont know anymore what it is. Being alive and loved and wealthy relatively speaking is wonderful (having all our needs provided for I mean).

I should not worry about Laurel as he was seen 10 minutes ago , nearby. Thank you Lord for making me reasonable with my worries about Laurel. I dont want to obsess but I think and look for him every morning constantly after he has been out for 3 hours. I basically try to keep an eye on him all morning though he is out. He will disapear one day i am pretty sure. i never was worried after a year with Tummo. But tummo was saved by us at least three times of danger while outside. She lived to fifteen and died of cancer. We were blessed she lived so long. I hope Laurel outlives her though. Om mani peme hung  Om mani peme hung Om mani peme hung