Someone saw him ten minutes ago but he did not come when i called him, unlike yesterday.

We will have to go later for our passeport meeting. I have to find two references. I'll ask a neighbour if she would do it. And some friends in montreal.I am weary one friend will mention my mental health...I dont know if this is a warranted worry or not. I dont know how much he loves me or not anymore. But I dont know many people locally.

I am tense today. Laurel is not coming back when called and that worries me.

Because he needs to be indoor outdoor, I stress out every day when he is out. I go out many times in the morning to get him back in by 12pm. Earlier the better.

But right now, he is not showing up when I call him. He skipped breakfast and Hardy ate it, Fatso that he is.

I am doing laundry and we will have french toast this morning, with orange juice and chocolate.

I am always always weary when Laurel is out, every morning. It stresses me out to no end. He has been going out for about a week or two. He was meowing all day long to go outside after three months inside.

May he be safe and sound and not get harmed, killed, or lost or stolen. May he thrive and flourish in this lifestyle he has chosen and feel happier for it when he gets back home after some exploring.

Om muni muni mahamuni svoha

Om muni muni mahamuni svoha

Om muni muni mahamuni svoha