...and grow free from it.

I believe in reincarnations because I love sentience life. My life has had harsh times, more than all my close families in my life, and may have more harder times coming with ill health from smoking so very fucking much it is unbelievable.  But despite suffering, I am so happy and have been so blessed since forever overall apart from 3 years of extreme poverty, that I want to come back to this humanity's adventures. i dont want to disappear in heavens for the rest of eternity.  Life on earth IS CAN be interesting and fabulous. And very meaningful with people and or spirituality very deep. I think we need both as humans. I certainly do. We learn so much as sentience (as real for all sentience as it is for humans, I am convinced of that). It turly can be beautiful when it is the Middle way. There is so much to gain each life in depth of heart mind through our living. reincarnation to me is the most hopeful belief with full buddhahood attainment eventually, that i have found in 49 years. And a big part of God's justice if you care about that ( I dont except as lessons at each kamma to get closer to Him or Her each time, in Her heart shaped palm and especially  in my own mine heart).