The story, both in French and in English, is dedicated to her.
I truly like to think her next life is as myvery very privileged big sister.
I was led to believe while under the influence of spiritual tripping, that depsite my dislike of her mind and heart openess to others unluckier, my big sister was the one in my family I had teh best awakeining kamma with. Hence, my poor very disadvantaged friend I love so much in this life and cannot bear to see suffering to such extremes. The fact she may be reborn my sister is very very full of hope. My sisters life is superbly yuppy and she has a family with two cool kids who want to be doctors like her or engineer. This would explain why Green Tara and Mother Tara speaking through me , while I was alone, said my big sister was my best awakening kamma in my family.
Is it true? God knows only faith can make you believe. Om shanti om! And God is fabulous and grand. I love my big sister way more even now that this idea has seeded a while back in my mind,as I looked for an explanation of why my sister would be my best awakening kamma.