I think it is Tibetan singing bowls. Very spatial and soothing. Deep sounds. Almost alien energy like. Very cool.

There is only one song of calonga on this triple cd of  tibetan pujas monks and nuns chants box. I take refuge in the BUddha, the dhamma and the sangha. Thank you to tibetans for creating so many wonderful musical instruments still in use today in ceremonies and daily life.

I feel so bless I fear I cannot thank God and Buddha enough. Buddha will always guide me until my last breath and even afterwards. But God is being so VERY generous with us. How can we live and show gratitude the best way? I think cutting back on our expenses, frivolous and luxurious as they are, would be a good start.  Those almost daily visits to Coffee and Vanilla are 15-25$ each time.

Those two bottles of baileys in the last week were a total of 60$.

Since we are not rich, it is very abnormal to spend so much.

I think so, anyway. Hubby is a big spender. He always tells me to buy the best for myself but I rarely do. I chose an uglier tuque (winter hat) this week end because it was, frankly, 15$ cheaper than the nice one. I skip on and off nights at the liquor store and sometimes spend no more than 6-10$ there.