Yungchen Lhamo is singing

Her album Amma.

Which means mother I think or sister.

I am so hungover from half a bottle of cointreau yesterday.

Poor hubby: I drank his special treat with his evening decaf coffee with whipped cream!

The Lord has been Grand with us all in this house and abode. I am celebrating His word in the bible too on facebook, my upbringing (though I was catholic). The teachings have been constant thanks to my new found awareness in sanity that I am rejoicing in and from. Way easier to catch our emotions before we speak when we are so aware. What a gift as taught by Mingyur Rinpoche. 

Photo: my first dog in my adult owner life- Jerry, adopted at Montreal SPCA on april 8th, 2002. He must have been 5-7 years old then and passed after numerous travels with both of us, new dog brothers and cat brothers, in november 2009. He saved my life at least once, by chasing a marauder while I was camping in New Burnswick, on the road.

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