Le coyote bleu et les deux chiens:

-Steve , the main character, is the name of a good pal of mine from toronto circa 1999.

-Racine is the hometown of mom, dad, and my grandparents.

-There are coyotes, ducks, deer and bears in the Eastern Township, around Racine, Québec , Canada

-One of our dogs was a lab so we honour him with the two labs in the story of the blue coyote

Lilou et détective Fromage-de-Chèvre:

-we saw within a month, in the next door korean church yard

  * a dead rat

  * a wounded pigeon

  * a very alive coyote

-the rat was buried

-we ate sushi for real from that church at a yard sale from it

-Jackie and Ginger are neighbours (real names)

-Billy sometimes used to get pup cups at starbucks but I stopped because of the sugar and his poor teeth