I am starting to wind down from the translation from 7-10H30.
Should I start and finish a second story translation? It does not seem wise to wire myself up so late at night. I wont go to bed at all if I translate one more story at 11pm. it takes 3-4 hours each.
Photo taken just now: I do look tired. I never ever take photos without my glasses. I had not seen my face without them for years.
The temperature is super hot upstairs in our bedrooms. i doubt I will go to bed before dawn, when it has cooled off a bit.
I wanted to go first thing in the morning tomorrow to the pet shop for cats' wet and dry big bags of food. But if it is too hot to sleep, maybe I should be extravagant and unwise and translate another story. How about the blue coyote and the two dogs, set in my parenst and grandparents hometown of eastern township, 5 K inhabitants. (Racine,it is called, in Quebec)? alright, unless sleep takes over suddenly this is how i will spend my night, while staying up because it is too hot to sleep.