I have not heard from a lot of people in emails in the last two weeks. Withsummer approaching, people are outdoor (in my circle anyway). Some are also at the end of the school year.
Today is the funeral of an uncle of mine, dad's brother, in quebec. Both my parents are there of course, despite the fact that the family of my dad does not believe in masks....
My uncle Guy , whom I have not spoken to in about , hum....30 years (I have no extended family close relatives and my mom was an only child), was very very ill in the last two years. They had to 'change his blood' regularly, explained my mother to me. Sounded very very hard. He was euthanised as he asked to be. Lucid until the end, until he made that decision. He left with a smile said my aunty, his wife. He must have been about 80 years old. I wonder if he still wore a mustache in his late years....
I sent a bouquet to dad when I learned of Guy's passing. I dont think they were close at all.