It's hard to believe I have been up for about 7 hours already. We just came back from a short loop walk in Mundy. A couple with a really young toddler (could barely walk) was walking the specific dog park trails, where hundreds of strange dogs wander off leash. I told hubby they were stupidely careless to have the baby in the dog park when the park has more trails without dogs off leassh than off leash. He freaked out when I said that and said it was people's responsibility to have good dogs. Sure is, but not everyone thinks that and there are plenty of occasional very bad dogs in the park. Most of them are wonderful but it takes only one stupid owner to have a stupid dangerous dog in a public place, off leash. And these trails (about 2km of them) are designated OFF leash so no dog is on leash on them. There are hundreds of dogs in that area. All off leash.