Neighbours are very noisy here in their yards. And their dogs. But it is home nonetheless. Billy is with me. Hubby went to buy ingredients for tonight's meal although I encouraged him to buy fish n chips since he does not like eggplant much. I wanted to try eggplant parmmagiano. The wind is nice in the yard and I am shaded. I am very tired and not very nice: I dont want to see other people and criticize them all the time today. Hubby is tired of it. Understandable. 

I took three walks today, my goal. I have not cooked yet. +


I oiled the eggplant too much*. God knows how it is going to turn out. I feel very critical today of everyone, strangers ~I mean. I should not allow myself to say any criticism. It would be better. 

*Meal was good.