It is past 11am. Billy is booked for his neuter on the 20th. Bloodwork on the 17th at 9am, under mild sedation. I pray all goes well and he is not too changed in his temper afterwards. Hubby just took them back from a walk. A short one since it is very wet. I cooked him breakfast earlier (poached egg, toast and banana with coffee and juice) and had soup from last night, Thai soup Tom Yum I like. 

I have been up for three hours and took it easy but still already cleaned in the kitchen. And did my hair for the first time in a week, in the morning. 


Wow! It is pouring down hard right now out there! I moved the potted tomato plant under cover otherwise it will drown. I put it under the tree next to the door. That is a lot a lot a lot of rain!