It's 9h30

Nothing planned really today except for the vague feeling that I should , at least, prepare the soil and plant my fern in the backyard garden today. Two rhododendrons will be left to plant. 

I can hear the radio in the loo upstairs, where BJG is at the moment. This faraway sound reminds me of waking up to the radio in the kitchen from my bedroom as a child. My parents really tried their hardest according to their values mostly to raise me and give me a good time. It is too bad they were so fucked up at the time with kids. It is wayyyyy easier as an older mature lady to speak weith them and enjoy them peacefully. I am very grateful for their old age and mellowing out with time. They seem super happy which they were not as they worked both of them full time and raised us both, sister and I. When you have white privilege as an adult (dad was from a miserable poor family), you can truly enjoy the benefits of living in Canada like everyone else should. If I had been black, my story would have been totally different and I doubt I would have scored these great jobs when I was young.Canada is better except with indigenous populations, about racism, than america. But it is still here. What Canada has done really really well, is work against sexism. I LOVE what I hear on CBC French and English about women and women on radio is common as dust.  

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