Niceness all around today

What a great time we are having during BJG's sick leave! After 4 years of mayhem, it is wonderful (and two years of hell before that). The dishwasher is going, I have cleaned the kitchen and swept.  Hubby went to buy dope. We have done one day (I have anyway) without it and thats it. When it does not create delusions, and when you dont have to work the day after or the same day, it is a magical herb. It regulates my sleep very well and I dont care for zopiclone anymore. Not even care much for melatonine. 

A bird is tweeting ,like mad right now. He sounds upset. I wonder if there is an owl around? It is 12pm, a bit too much during the day perhaps for an owl...

I have not asked hubby how busy the park was today. I have yet to go take a walk but I am careful because of my foot. And crowds bug me a bit (although less than a few years ago). 

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