I should go for a walk

My leg stiffness from my feet is freaking me out a bit: I should go exercise it. I am trying to keep busy so I dont smoke so many cigarettes. I am at 2.3 cigs an hour since 6:30am this morning. The next goal is less than two an hour all throughout the day. My leg is stressful. I dont know if it is eps or because of the way I walk from pain in my foot (my feet).

The music is alternative right now and pretty noisy but good. This radio station is truly overall a joy when the reception is in. 89.3fM in Bellingham and washington state university in the USA. 

I looked at the collected works of W.B Yeats that BJG gave me in 2011, the year we got married. He is hard hard to read but `I feel good reading him, making efforts to read and reread to undrestand each poem. I have gotten very dumb on fluanxol, and dont read much at all anymore. 

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