...I am downstairs writing on the blog and cleaning here and there when I get up. The day is positively hot. It must be in the 20s. Yay: Billy is eating finally. Whiskey is sleeping and snoring heavily in the dog bed next to me. I am a bit stressed out about hubby's meeting. It is all about his job so it is stressful. I may go do grocery this afternoon when he is away. It is mighty far: an hour and a qarter drive. I am nervous right now. I also smoked. I am smoking wayyy more cigarettes today then in the last week. I have to slow down.
My friends Danny and Yue are off to the cottage this week end with their many boys (3). Their lives are full of family challenges and adventures. It is wonderful to be close to them despite the far distance. I have known Danny for almost 30 years! Gosh! That is impressive!