We have shared a third joint just now. I am dizzy. I have not touched alcohol for about 2-3 weeks. No taste for it whatsoever for a while. My bedsheets are dry by now, I will have to go make my bed. I turned my mattress. It is getting on at 8 years old, a cheap IKEA mattress bought in 2014.
What have I done today? I woke up late, at 7:40am. Hubby went to Mundy and I did laundry. At 10am I cooked the quiche for lunch with aspargus later. After lunch we all went to do errands and walk the dogs. When I came back, I finished laundry and cleaned my bookshelf. Then cooked the carrots soup. Oh, because i` was busy, I think I went for only one walk but hubby walked the dogs three times. Mundy was rather busy. Sunday crowd and Mothers' Day on top of it.