...all this because I said I wished he liked quinoa because I would love to eat it once in a while....he does not think he is sick yet he almost lost his job because of his temper with students!
I am so sad, so sad. He won’t discuss anything calmly. Or at all. He told me he did not want me to cook for him if I found him difficult ( he suddenly does not like chicken, nor pork , nor arugula, nor many many things I like ). He pushes me away each time he is upset with my opinions. How ungrateful! Of course I cook for him, that is my job and I have been doing it for over 20 years! He says I psychologically abuse him. He is so very irrational. Because I said I wished he liked quinoa! the man is very unstable. He slept all afternoon because he smoked all night last night. He is smoking again tonight. He does not wash anymore. But on top of it, it is really really the abuser who feels like a victim!
if only I had money, I would leave him to let him be and sort out his madness. For a month Or two.