I doubt my sanity tonight

Yup, we are all a bit crazy. Even when we are not, generally. My insights about my family and end of life have been very powerful. when hubby is back, who does not know anything about this blog, i start doubting myself. I am on my own in many more senses than it looks like. All the emails I send to people, sane emails about hooking  up people together, about my end of life etc of course, no one ever emails me back about them. Which means I get absolutely no reply to anything on this blog, no one has acknowledged it to my face. So it stays in the written word only. And that can be tough on my mental health because I doubt what i say so simply and beautifully.

Mostly, i am just exhausted and my eyes and head are heavy. i need to go to bed. the blog is so beautiful i don’t know why i doubt it tonight. 

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