It is freezing in the house. Whiskey pushed the back door opened last night and it stayed opened all night. Classical music on the early week end mornings is lovely. The radio is playing it right now. Like every week end morning. 

I am hungry. Unlike usually. I will have a big breakfast this morning. Oh, it will be so very good to get a real break from hubby’s mood swings. It’s been too long and contributed to making me mad. He became scary a while back. I retreated in heavy pot and fantaisies to remain happy when alone. Which led, the pot so heavy, to me interfering with my schedule of taking my meds. It was unfortunate, but stress at home was to the utmost. And I had no one to support me through this. Hubby wanted divorce. 

These years are over thankfully. I know hubby loves me very much. And it is reciprocal.