The piece on the radio has ended. I was so sad this morning when I heard hubby yell again. He really does not try to control his anger. And the sad fact is he never apologizes when he is rude or mean or, more importantly, aggressive. 

Two weeks break will help. Without him in the house. I am looking forward to it. To be honest, I am curious on how I will find it. Last time he left for two weeks was 2018 or 2019. I have lived alone quite often throughout the years but not since 2009. My best years were in 2001-2003 of living alone. I finished my BA in my one bedroom in Montreal while hubby was in Toronto, and I was in Montreal. I hiked for three weeks with a new dog i got. I snowshoed for a week alone in the wops, in the woods of Baie Comeau, northern Quebec (10 hours bus drive overnight from Montreal). And I went two months to India to teach English.