I just came back from walking with Billy in the late evening. It is 7:30pm. CBC radio spoke of Ukraine pretty much all day. I did not look at much footage of the battles and refugees today. Billy drinks a heck of a lot. He is spritely and full of beans. We will have had him for 7 months on the 21st this month. He still is not neutered and is 15 months.
Hubby is thinking of taking 2 weeks to NZ in late April. He will surely need 3 weeks to get to the small town of his sister where his father lives and his mom used to live. He has not been to NZ since 2018 or 2019. There are no quarantine for fully vaccinated NZers visiting NZ From abroad right now. So as soon as he gets his NZ passeport back (he just renewed it), he will be off for a couple of weeks. Let’s hope WW3 dont break out in the meantime.