As the computer died a beautiful death smothered in coughing vomit, i found the iPad my parents gave me last year with a wireless keyboard from sister . That was very good timing to receive all that equipment last year. It was an old iPad they did not use anymore.
Maori music is playing tonight, Te Ke te we album I believe it is called. I used to love that album as a teenager when I first met BJG. I still enjoy it. It is very different, haunting, evocative of the wind, the conch and the sea.
I took an Advil because of a headache no doubt brought about by small amount of pot smoked this evening. Bella, the next door dog, the ecuardorian pompom, as I like to call her, is barking. She just stopped. Only the maori music is heard right sounds deeply sad tonight. Lots of conch shells.
The last few days have gone by quickly. We had amazing weather for a while but rainy until tuesday now.