I had a 30 minutes nap. I feel lost today. With the news in europe and everything here. BJG is acting normal and walking the dogs. I am so tired. I took my synthroid I had forgotten this morning. And ate an egg and bacon , bagel with cream cheese and toast with juice. Big lunch brunch. Yet I feel so very tired. The sun is splendid truly but i just want to sleep. I made some coffee. Hopefully that will help. I slept well last night too.
A plane is going over. There are no wars on this soil yet. I should really chill about WW3 but still follow ukraine news. I am enjoying being in Canada today. I was listening to the soft news: the interviews with local singer musicians..How nice their lives are to create and make a living of it. I was in the car, waiting for hubby who was doing errands for his NZ passeport (photos), and the CBC radio was playing. The sun was shining, the dogs were at the back of the car. The window was wind down. And I thought: I have to start loving my fellow men and women again. I have become quite stressed out by bumping into people. I find people not very nice but I should really make an effort to at least extend good feelings and wishes for them when I see them. Strangers. Local dog walkers. Etc.