I am stone and hubby is relaxing. He does not share too too much of his inner mind sets. My letter to K.D at Om Hotel, India, has been sent 8 days ago. I hope he gets it soon. It is full of crazy wisdom (two things) with a book, Tobacco baby's erotica.
One children lit editor blocked my email after I sent them the link to Maman a la fenetre. They are in France. That is definitely not very sympathetic nor friendly. Too bad. I will never know why!
Rien de neuf sinon ce soir. Il est 6:30pm et Miriam Makeba a fini de chanter. J'ai ecouter beaucoup de radio aujourd'hui. Ca m'a fait du bien. Notamment de sentir l'amitie avec taiwan. Apprendre sur le monde entier est fascinant.
Je me sens plutot bien ce soir. Calme. Mais j'avoue que je suis un peu inquiete de la job de ti mari. On sera tres pauvre!