Secret fears I should not say:
I have trouble sleeping many people in the west and in europe. I have just made decaf and took two melatonines. The news is bad. Bad for Ukraine, bad for the western world. We may very well die of starvation. Or illegal weapons. The Russians used a vacuum bomb on ukraine and those are illegal according to the Geneva convention.The blast wave lasts longer than other bomb by using the oxygen around it. I am now following the alliances (economic, weapon, war effort in different countries etc) more closely. I also fear a civil war fueled by Russia in the States. But truly, I ain't no expert and I really don't know. It is hard not to believe that this is the war I predicted 4-5 years ago to happen about now. But than again, fear not, many of us, nutcrackers, have been predicting the end of the world for as long as the world was born. I don't think of the end of the world. But I talked at lenght about the end of canada and the usa back then, saying our mainstream values have been shit for a long time and we had a lot of racism and poverty and discrimination problems and police violence and a totally disinterested wealthier part of the middle class. We have been living of the fat of earth, exploiting poor countries, gutting Mother nature, reducing taxes and subsequent social safety networks and services, making financial deal with the biggest dictators on earth for oil and other such commodities, thereby enriching them tremendously and making us at their mercy for goods and services etc. We have not been impressive ever it seems like. Starting with how these two countries were built: on genocide of Native populations and ongoing systemic racism and discriminations and inequalities. In my fantasy of WWIII, France became no longer one of our allies. North Korea, China (maybe), UAE and Russia became an axis. And the world war would last 70 years. I have no idea about Iran but it breaks my heart as I have a friend from there. After 70 years, canada would be a no man's atomic wasteland. This is what I predicted for about now, 4-5 years ago. We may very well die in WWIII my dear friends. It's obvious we have been self serving only ourselves and selfishly at that, from the rest of the world. We traded a ton wiht the worst international facsists ever known, making them become utlra rich and us becoming dependent on them for finances and our economies.
I am not sure this review of my rants 4-5 years ago is useful nor helpful however. Right now, we should be focusing on peaceful mind and hearts for one another.