I am too worried to smoke weed. BJG leaving during covid uncertainties and Europe really stresses me out. Me alone with the dogs for a while, and I don't drive. Which always stresses me because emergencies do happen. Especially if Whiskey, the old dog, is still around.
But I won't say a thing as it is super important for him to see his dad one last time and New Zealand where he has not been for 3- 4 years.
It is 1:30pm et I have cleaned the sink, dishwasher and kitchen floor. Laundry from last night was finished this morning at 9am. Billy was walked by me for almost 2 hours and 1.5 hour with hubby this morning. He has two more walks today. A dinner and snack later and the last pills of his giardiase treatment. The crows are present today and communicate a lot together. BC is immortalized in my mind by orcas, crows and ravens and bears. Very Natives too. I have two friends who are metis. One in Quebec and one in BC. One works at the governement and the other lives in shelters. Rosie is older and part of the 60s scoop. She still lives in shelters.