He pooped water. Sigh. His diarrhea is very very bad. Even on meds which can sometimes, however, also give diarhea....I hope he does not lose weight. We'll go weight him on Monday. So many tiny things like that that are stressful. I yelled at the pharmacist even though, this time, she had the correct prescription finally after three calls and a GP's call to the pharmacy. I felt bad having yelled at her. But my language was super polite. She was not happy with being yelled at of course. Sigh. I was stone at the time and pretty upset at their ongoing mistake for the last 3 months.
It is raining tonight. Fresh and crisp cool air. Very end of wintery.
Dinner was excellent but hubby noticed I had not made any greens. We had asperagus I could have cooked but did not think of. I just made rice with the main hoisin meal. I liked it a lot but BJG says he is grossed out by chicken now. He does not eat pasta and we don't eat beef at home. I bet if I made him french stuffed chicken breasts with cheese he would eat two portions! He likes cheese and cream: so fatty and a bit heavy!