I am stone tonight but I am a bit shocked at my entries of the last week or week and a half. I say HUGE things, that may or not come true. Particularily  about my mother and I's end of lives. The truth is, I will probably have a big surprise when I finally die at 80 years old! lol. I don't know how to explain all this: I get into a lucid I think visionary state, where I am calm and happy, or sad, depending what comes through in writing. I don't dwell on these ideas before I write them. I just write them as they come. And the ideas keep on being pumped on the text as long as I write. But truly, I am a nobody and there are very small chances that any of what I have said is true. I like the reincarnation stories though, because they show how truly HARD it is on the path to enlightenment. But the end of life stories: god knows. I might as well be killed in a war!