The radio is playing. Some native person. Talking about residential school and healing. It is a podcast. All about running. Running Away. Running is to move faster than to walk. I am smoking tobacco. And the native dude is talking. Cars pass by on my street. And I remember the starry sky last night. This native dude is telling stories of the past of his ancestors. It is a nice project to have a podcast radio like his. there is no music. Just him talking about running. It is real beautiful. Tales of the Appache people  he read in a book. training their youth in the desert.  

It is amazing stories. This guy has worked SO VERY HARD. After residential school. His family, brother, uncle, parents sounds awesome. Ture family stories between siblings. Beautiful. he has been living such a full life. Now he is talking of the karate lesson at his daughter's family day karate class. He ended up conquering his depression. And ran all his life, since residential school. Jogging and marathon.