Hi Alan. I have described all my university studies somewhere else on this blog. I only have a BA and took time off to go crazy and also to work at a kickass hospital job for a couple of years before I went back and finished it, 7 years later in total since its beginning. I was a loner all my life and even what i learned about buddhism mostly comes from books i read for a couple of years. i am a real autodidacte. At everything that should make me known to the world. Read the whole blog if you dare to sit down for a few days. This was done when I took very little medicine and smoked 2 g of pot daily. especially in 2020 and beginning 2021. Only hubby would have not called the cops on me until 2 years in the doing. But he did. And they beat the shit out of me bad bad for no sane reason. I was never any danger to myself or others during the last 5-6 years. Hubby was worried because I was strange and he was crazy dangerous with me. Yes, maybe he should have called the cops on himself instead of me.I just needed a hospital. He actually almost killed me once at least ( I had to jump out of the car while he was driving and he would not stop) and got close to me and threathened me many times. He hit me once but was always so very nuts with hatred, that I was very glad to get out of the house and be without him and go rest, quietly, in hospital for three times in 2021.