I am so smoked up by cigarettes! Ouf! Don't ask me why i smoke so much, I am not even stressed out.Perhaps it helps deeply my mental health? Possibly, they say many people wiht mental health quirks are heavy heavy smokers.  I LOVE smoking cigarettes. I don't miss pot at all. Tried it last week and saw, after two days, how unealthy it was for me. Impossible to be open with hubby if I smoke pot after two days. And he needs me a LOT these days to support him in his life (mourning, job instability, mood swings of his, anger problems etc). So I cant say i miss not smoking pot. I had two blissful even ecstatic days of smoking one poff of roaches and then i smoked more on the third day and was super pissed off at him. To the point that I could not be of any comfort while he was grieving his mother. So be careful if you want to smoke pot but others depend on you for their own mental health. Sometimes, people need us all there and kind for them. That is a good reason not to touch pot of if you are prone to schizo affective moments. Schizo affective dont communicate well at all with others needs. Schizo affective is when your nasty souls take over and you become, if you are awake a bit, aware of them. They are what makes you think you are a terrible person in your heart. Pot can sometimes bring them on. But the two days of one poff of roach a day were so sweet. Anyway, I am done my pot habit. I have indulged it more than most people I know and it has made even a painter out of me.