I have another blog which I started writing again after my second stay in hospital in 2021. I started it again in May 2021. I was still ill off and on as I was still smoking pot. But you can view my thoughts while in there for three weeks in october and november 2021. Although I consider that I was sane that time and forcibly confined by a bad doctor who did not understand cannabis, it was my longest stay and my most pleasant. It was the stay where I understood I had a powerful cannabis use disorder. It was, because of this outcome, needed. I had my computer at the hospital and my own room. Very luxurious. It was over all very good because it was restful. I wrote every day on my other blog.
You can read recent entries I wrote on that other blog since May 2021 here and here. You can also use the archive option on the main page, top left corner.
You will see that my life has changed quite a bit in the last year. Despite a few hiccups because of pot (before I chose sobriety as essential and changed my lifestyle). I truly hope my friends in India look at it.