Le livre datant de 2010-2022 The flowers floating in your bloodstream sera réimprimé en 3eme édition en Février. Ce livre est en anglais. Vous pouvez vous le procurer sur etsy.  Cette édition est un peu spéciale car elle sera reliée à la colle au lieu d'être brochée. Elle sera donc très jolie!

Voyez le livre et un extrait ici.

The book written from 2010-2022 The flowers floating in your bloodstream will be reprinted in its 3 rd edition this February. This book is in English but a French edition was translated in 2019 as Les fleurs dans tes veines. This 3rd edition is special as it is binded with glue and not stapled. It will therefore be very pretty.

To see and buy the book and read an excerpt, go here.


Today, on Jan 26th, I sold one copy to our good friend Joanna in Toronto. Yay! She has always been supportive throughout the last 4 years. My good dad also bought a book. The sample should be ready this Friday.  And the books should be printed next week maybe! It will go fast!