I got an email from the print shop this noon, and the 10 copies of Autobiographie des vacances are ready. They will be for sale at 14$ a copy, free shipping in Canada. The book is a personal account of dream like memories of Christmas in Ontario, stories (poems) of the dogs in our house, marriage, a poem to my mother, and many memories from Ontario, where the bulk of Autobiography of a Holiday (original English version) was written between 2012-2013.  It is a good nostalgic book about my thirties in Toronto with a poem or two about my life in British Columbia. The book is annotated with notes about why some poems were written and the contexts that inspired them. If you ever lived in Toronto, this is the book for you.

You can get the book here and view excerpts before buying this lovely poetry book artefact. This edition is in French and was translated from the original English version in October 2020.