I have not listened to this cd for 5-6 years at least. I bought it while in Toronto, attending a tibetan temple of ill repute in my book. We are practicing the syllable ah right now. There is only one temple I attended with great impression from them and it was a tibetan temple in Toronto of a small sect branch of tibetan buddhism. I took my vow of boddhissattva in Longueil, Quebec at Manjusri temple. It was a very tough ceremony. I was just back from India. 2003 I believe. But what does time mean anyway, right?
i feel like I am studying tibetan buddhism (but it is Bon) right now with this cd. I listen to the meditation guidance and recite the syllables of the Bon mantra, one by one, visualising a desert with a bright sun and blue sky. I must admit I have not studied this album for many many years. I studied more in Toronto. Because I was attending regualrly temples of tibetan buddhism. It was fun and I met a tibetan boy who became a friend. He was, after many years of painting amazing thangkas for a bad temple, and living there as a refugee without paper, he was deported to the US , although not a US citizen nor a chinese citixzen. Put in immigrant jail and finally won his trial not to be deported to China, where he had never been (he was born in india as a tibetan refugee without paper). I have not heard from him since 2010 and i believe he got his US citizenship eventually. He tried to work as a cabby but fail his first test.