Already 3:30pm. We ate macaroni with cream and tomatoes and basil and cheese and I had carrots on the side. I cleaned the kitchen and the dishwasher is working dutifully. Billy is coming closer to his terrible twos. Hubby says he disobeys way more now and does not leave and come back easy when he is on a scent. I will train him on this. But my right foot is killing me and I cannot walk as much as I usually do , temporarily.

I am quite baked right now. Hubby brought me a joint without me asking. I should not have smoked again so soon. The moral is good and the imagination is in a happy neutral place. I am far from reincarnation stories. I must admit I enjoy somewhat, until I reread some of it, the stories when they come but I feel way more connected when I dont write nor think about them.
The sun is streaming on the street. I have watered the flowers and fern at the back. I have a LOT of weeding and preparing the soil to do on the second and third levels of the backyard garden. Although it is sunny, I dont feel it about gardening right this moment. I should though. Start the weeding at least. There is bound to be dog poop around those parts of the garden (we never go). I'll go have a look. Plan for tomorrow and Monday.
I just came back from gardening for half an hour. It is super dangerous because many parts of my body are broken and it is agility required up there in the garden, on the levels. I uprooted two nasty plants and discovered a rather ravishing one at the back, a tree, which unfortunately, we cannot see from below , while sitting. It is even flowering right now. We should cut down that nasty tree* at the back that grew but is thorny and no good. It hides the ravishing tree at the back, lost to the human eye.
*It turns out it is salmonberries at least, so we get fruits!