I went to bed at 7:15pm and just woke up because of the moving of Billy. I will not call hubby: I am too tired. And I am hitting the hay again soon. I really would like a joint. I woke up but I am still sleepy. I have been so crazy rude with most people , perfectly nice people, in the last years. It must have been a rage and false beliefs in me that led me to insult so many nice people. I REALLY ranted on about many people...it was all false beliefs. Sigh. I have been very sick out west. But exceedingly creative and productive nonetheless. Unlike what I believed in my fantasies, I will never be a huge famous post humous writer. But when my self esteem was at its lowest and my rage was fierce, it gave me MUCH comfort to think I would be adored one day as a children author. Nowadays, I feel adored, but not as a writer so much as just a fellow human being, by people in my life. It IS a great soothing feeling that gets me through ANYTHING.
The Poetry Dervish